Recent content by SpacePiano

  1. SpacePiano

    Take A Favourite Game And Make It Sound Awful.

    You search for your kidnapped son in a post-apocalyptic Boston, and spend the rest of the game looking for duct tape and screws to build houses for everyone.
  2. SpacePiano

    Video Games Your first video game?

    Pokemon Red. I received it for Christmas, and then spent the first 10 minutes trying to leave the player's house.
  3. SpacePiano

    Other Got a favorite quote?

    "Celui qui a bon coeur n'est jamais sot" (He who has a good heart can never be a fool.) I dunno, this quote always stuck with me. Even after taking two years of French, its what I remember the most.
  4. SpacePiano

    Who let the Talking Dog In here?

    Hello there everyone! My name is SpacePiano. I've been playing tabletop RPGs for a long time, but just started role-playing online for about a year. I'm trying to get back into the hobby after a long affair with Fallout 4. Some of my favorites include Paranoia, Pathfinder, and... well, just...