Recent content by Sol.Luna

  1. Sol.Luna

    Night Out

    *Alright alright. I'm halfway through reading them all xP*
  2. Sol.Luna

    Night Out

    *Whoa...I apologize, I haven't been able to log on for the past week, but could one of you get me caught up on everything.?*
  3. Sol.Luna

    Night Out

    (Alright. Both of you can reply to where I left off then.))
  4. Sol.Luna

    Night Out

    Umm, well I don't really mind, whatever you choose is fine. Just come up with something and we take it from there.? o;)
  5. Sol.Luna

    Hey, you seem like a great rp-er..Maybe we can do a 1x1 sometime.? o;

    Hey, you seem like a great rp-er..Maybe we can do a 1x1 sometime.? o;
  6. Sol.Luna

    Night Out

    *What would you like to rp as.?*
  7. Sol.Luna

    Night Out

    Grace Fallon ran a worried hand through her now ruffled hair as she noticed that her vision was beginning to fail her. She had made a promise to herself that she wouldn’t allow herself to come back to the all too familiar bar, with the all too familiar drunks that never seemed to leave the...