Recent content by Sofe

  1. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise

    Dylan lowered the gun, too tired to keep up the facade of having enough energy to spend playing defense.  In truth she was exhausted and couldn't keep up with the new arrivals and the demons a mere parking lot away.  She sighed to herself a little annoyed at "Juniper" and the other for taking...
  2. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise (CS)

    Hi so I know in my latest post I said Dylan would decided whether or not to kill you later but I don't have that power so I obviously can't kill you later, nor would I want to, your characters are freaking amazing!  SO I just thought you should know.  I'm not trying to make it seem like I would...
  3. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise

    Dylan was angry.  She was even more so at the fact that this demon seemed like no threat, at least not one that she could shoot without causing more danger for herself.  Although she knew taking that anger out on a harmless demon would not help anything, the position she was in, running for her...
  4. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise

    "Nope nope nope."  Dylan said out loud from her position on the ground, she wasn't having this shit.  Once again she found herself pulling both her handguns from the back her pants, pointing them at the demons face.  She would've shot by now, if not for the human standing behind the new arrival...
  5. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise

    No, the curse words hadn't subsided in Dylans head yet, more turning into a chant of bad words that was growing louder with every running step she took.  Her and red head weren't far behind metal face (the nicknames were the only was to keep the two guys separate at she narrated the shit she was...
  6. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise (CS)

    Aha wait you did. I'm just imagining things @Schnitzel
  7. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise (CS)

    @Schnitzel I am so sorry, I read that you jumped out a window,not ran down stairs.  I'm partly running low on coffee in real life too and it just isnt the same
  8. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise

    'Fuck fuck fuck.'  That was about how creative Dylans mind was at the moment, the endless stream of curse words seeming to bounce around in her brain like tennis balls on a court.  Although her actions and body no longer reacted to her anxiety, her thoughts were another story entirely...
  9. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise

    Red hair.  That was the first thing Dylan noticed as her finger squeezed the trigger, her arm immediately flying up to aim at the ceiling instead of the human in front of her.  "Shit!"  She screamed as a loud bang echoed around the room.  "You idiot!  You made me waste a bullet!"  She yelled at...
  10. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise (CS)

    "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw" I'M CRYING AS I TYPE THIS NEXT POST HEEEEELP @Ash Ketchup
  11. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise

    There was no such thing as sleeping anymore.  At least not for Dylan although she expected every other survivor had a similar thought process.  Who could think about something as luxurious as sleeping while those THINGS existed out there?.  Turning back to the water she was trying to heat up...
  12. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise (CS)

    Thank you:) Although I have to say, I think your gas mask demon sounds pretty badass @TenshuZninja
  13. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise (CS)

    Dylan Mestif Age: 23 Personality: Before she began to transform, Dylan's only goal in this apocalypse was to stay alive, get food and hide.  The word "fight" was completely absent from her vocabulary as she saw the demons as undefeatable.  She didn't care to try and die fighting them...
  14. Sofe

    Fantasy Death's Paradise (CS)

    Hi I really want to join this rp and I had a few questions?  First, can demons have wings and fly or would that be too overpowered?  Secondly, can demons have powers and if so, what kind of powers?  Third, is there any way demons can be transformed back into humans, is there a cure of some sort?
  15. Sofe

    Realistic or Modern The New Lives of New York

    Ellis Maverick Basics Age: 25 Birthday: February 2nd, 1992 Current Job: Photographer and part time model Section of the city they live in: Upper West Side Highest Education They Have: Bachelors Degree in the Arts from Julliard. Appearance Hair...