Recent content by Slysky260

  1. Slysky260

    Fantasy Fantasy World- Your Way.

    I don't think I signed up for this one.
  2. Slysky260

    Fantasy Game Over

    Just a quick question. When we're filling out he cs, for bio and likes and Dislikes do we fill those out based on our in game character or out of game character?
  3. Slysky260

    Fantasy Fantasy World- Your Way.

    Oh awesome, this is really cool actually!
  4. Slysky260

    Play's Search

    I'd be really interested in doing a Bad boy/Good girl Teacher/Student or Player/Good girl
  5. Slysky260

    Fantasy Game Over

    Awesome, everything sounds good to me (: if we wanted o though would we be able to have two characters because I really like playing more then 1 character at a time. If I not I totally understand as well.
  6. Slysky260

    Multiple Settings My RP Haven! (60-ish pairings|Ignore post count!)

    I'm super interested in wonderland, disney, and anything fantasy-like. Pm me if you'd like as I still cannot pm yet.
  7. Slysky260

    Looking for some RP <3

    I'd love to do a Harry Potter or vampire X werewolf, pm me if still interested I still can't pm yet.
  8. Slysky260

    Looking for 1x1 RP Partner/s [Closed for Now]

    I'd love to do a school friends rp, pm me if you could I still cant.
  9. Slysky260

    Fantasy Game Over

    Awesome, sounds good, can't wait.
  10. Slysky260

    Floating's 1x1 Search Thread

    Yes it would, if you are interested could you please pm me, I cannot pm yet. Also could you pm me the description when and if you do pm me thank you so much.
  11. Slysky260

    Floating's 1x1 Search Thread

    I'm really interested in the first one actually!!
  12. Slysky260

    Fantasy Game Over

    Nope, I'm good.
  13. Slysky260

    Fantasy Game Over

    Yes, I have also been a part of this site in the past. I've been rping for a good at least 3 years.
  14. Slysky260

    Need Partners~

    Of course! I have no problem with that. Pm me for brainstorming?
  15. Slysky260

    Seeking new partners; Modern / [M] + F

    Whenever youre over the 24 hours pm me, unfortunetly I can't pm first either.