Recent content by SliverOfHope

  1. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    Shit, I'm sincerely sorry. I join this roleplay to get back into roleplaying, and yet I've only posted once! School has been swarming me from all over, as it's nearing the holidays. I promise that now it's the weekend (for me at least), I'll be sure to start producing more posts for my...
  2. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    Around what time of the year/season is it currently within the roleplay? And is the armory guarded by someone, or just open for those to take when it's their shift?
  3. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    Ellette "Ellie" Jaunai Ellie shivered as she awoke in her darkened dorm room, the forgotten open windows along the back wall allowing the chill from the air outside to seep into the usual warmth of the school. She was tempted to burrow into the mounds of blankets that currently surrounded...
  4. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    And a few questions, before I go. 1: Do all of the weapons stay within the walls of the armory? Besides guards, of course. 2: Around how long as the apocalypse already been underway? Has it been a few weeks, a few months, maybe even a year? This information could probably be useful in...
  5. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    Eh, It's honestly a rather common mistake. Anyways, I'll create my first post tomorrow, seeing as I don't trust myself to great a mildly coherent post compatible with my current level of exhaustion. I'll just make sure to catch up before so.
  6. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    Yeah, me too. My character's father wasn't necessarily ex-military (as he died in combat) but she herself knows some basic stuff. Although, still, quite a bit. At least it means that they're all relatively good (or are supposed to be) at skills such as combat and perhaps marksmanship.
  7. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    *cough* SliverOfHope *cough**cough*
  8. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    Full Name: Ellette Jaunai Nickname/Goes By: Ellie Age: 23 Appearance: Role In community: Ellie's role within the community is as a Supply Hunter. It's a dangerous job to have, especially within the current world, and anything could go wrong within a split second. But, living...
  9. SliverOfHope

    Fandom {OPEN} OHSHC- A New Year

    I'm fairly sure that it's A-Ok. Afterall, roleplaying (and writing) is supposed to be something enjoyable and fun, so there's truly no use in stressing over it. I do hope that things get better for you, and that you always should keep in mind that the welfare of someone/yourself is more...
  10. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    ... You know at first I thought that the Walking Dead reference was an allusion to the "sanctuary" of terminus since you used that as a word choice, but now realize instead that it's of the initials J.S.S. Whoops... (okay now I'm off to bed)
  11. SliverOfHope

    Realistic or Modern Just Survive Somehow (A zombie rp)

    Character Sheet/Skeleton: WIP (It's getting a bit late where I am, so I'll try my best and make sure to have one up by tomorrow. I do attend school, but am not there all day. I want to say that I'll most likely be making a singular female character, and that I'd like to maybe assume/reserve...
  12. SliverOfHope

    Fandom OHSHC- A New Year

    Ahri Shojumi Instead of following the crowd towards lunch, Ahri herself went in the opposite direction. She wasn't much in the mood for food, and it's not as if she truly knew anyone of which she would sit with anyways. She thought about venturing outside, seeing how nice the weather was...
  13. SliverOfHope

    Fandom OHSHC- A New Year

    (I just went ahead and altered the year/class and age of my character to one more closely tied with the majority of the other characters so that it would be easier to interact and join in.) Ahri Shojumi Ahri sighs as she maneuvers her way throughout Ouran's enormous hallways, frustrated...
  14. SliverOfHope

    Fandom OHSHC- A New Year (OPEN)

    Ahri Shojumi Year/Class || 2nd Student Occupation || Ahri isn't really all that involved within the school. She may take the more advanced classes, as well as a bit of dabbling within the music program (really only for the access to a piano), but other than that she doesn't really...
  15. SliverOfHope

    Hello again, old friend. I'm back from hiatus~

    Hello again, old friend. I'm back from hiatus~