Recent content by Sleeperson

  1. Sleeperson

    Looking for a slow burn

    @Shatter Glass Awesome! Maybe you could pick some of your favorites and Pm me and we can chat them over!
  2. Sleeperson

    Looking for a slow burn

    @JustSmile Racial!! If you could shoot me a Pm I would love to discuss it more with you?
  3. Sleeperson

    Looking for a slow burn

    @Absinthe Would you like to try that pairing with me? If so could you Pm me? :3
  4. Sleeperson

    Looking for a slow burn

    I take it that you like the idea? Ahaha.
  5. Sleeperson

    Looking for a slow burn

    Hello friends and foes alike. I happen to be once again looking for a partner who would be willing to chat over characters and Rp plots with me that build up to the relationship instead of it happening right off the bat. Anyways let's get this shin dig on the road. Rules! Please be...
  6. Sleeperson

    Peep peep, I'm here.

    Peep peep, I'm here.
  7. Sleeperson

    My tolerance level for bullshit has officially dropped below zero.

    My tolerance level for bullshit has officially dropped below zero.
  8. Sleeperson

    At least I have Korean dramas to be there for me.

    At least I have Korean dramas to be there for me.
  9. Sleeperson

    Them dom girls tho. >w>

    Them dom girls tho. >w>
  10. Sleeperson

    LF RP Female Characters.

    Hi there! I would be willing to talk over a few plots with you and see what we can come up with together? I am pretty good at staying on top of rps and write fairly well.
  11. Sleeperson

    Siblings shouldn't do this type of thing

    The car ride was short simple and sweet as tea, and oh how did Rosette love her tea. As the car slowed down any pleasant look upon the females face melted off into her normal scowl. When the car stopped she was just as disgusted as she was when she got in the car. Did she really have to do this...
  12. Sleeperson

    I have no lights. XnX

    I have no lights. XnX
  13. Sleeperson

    The End to the War {MoxieDov X PrinceSleepless}

    Drip, drip drop, little rain is falling what a beautiful sound. Nothing could compare to the sound of rain hitting the hard surface of something. It was soothing, it brought a silence with a noise that could not be compared to. Didn't people write sonnets about such a sound? Surely someone in...
  14. Sleeperson

    Siblings shouldn't do this type of thing

    If there was one thing in the world Rosette actually liked, it was her car. The girl held a deep love for her car and most other automobiles. They were so much better than humans. They kept you warm when you needed them, they could give you Wifi if you wanted it, and they took you where you...
  15. Sleeperson

    Ships by the dozens

    Oh really now owo Why don't you PM me about it friend?