
Hello world! Just your average girl on the internet looking for some homies to write with. I'm kinda bad at describing myself, so here's some basic personality-types/my (small) kin list!

INFP, Gemini, Yellow/Orange/Purples, (proud) Slytherin, cat-person, and my age range is 15-18 as well!

Kin List: Lance and Keith* (VLD), Killua (HxH), Shinsou and Kirishima* (MHA), Tord (EddsWorld), Monika (DDLC), Jack (Beastars). The list is ever-expanding, and I may have forgotten some characters, but hopefully they help you gauge who I am better!

I also love space, spicy foods, languages, sunflowers, anime, space again, coding, minecraft (which I'd be down to try and rp, ngl), teas, and sweets!

*I seriously relate so hard to them both?? It really depends on my mood though.