Shawn Michael

I'm Shawn Michael but you can call me Shawn. I have been role playing off 'n on for decades, so I'm really old. But I like to let my inner child out now 'n then. Thats really who Shawn is.
I've played in many different scenarios, from a time traveling teenager to a medieval elf. (That was my most favorite RP. It lasted about a year and we actually finished out the entire story.)
I've also played as a grandpa, a mom, a dad, and a young boy.

I'm not a fan of fandom or super heros. I do like medieval fantasy, realistic modern day scenes and science fiction. I could get in to a good apocalypse world, but I do not do zombies. I might like "nation building" if I knew what it was. My favorite is prolly medieval fantasy but I'm open to pretty much anything that isn't fandom or zombies. Anyhow, I have been out of the RP circles for quite some time, and am ready to jump back in.. I'm looking forward to spinning some tales with y'all!
General Commodities Relocation Engineer


I am but a quill in the hand of the author of fate. But I have a fine horse.

