Recent content by ShadowCrassodon254

  1. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill's alarm went off on his phone. He was dead tired but he knew he had to get up and complete his daily training. With his body feeling sluggish he went to the bathroom and washed his face, he barely noticed Rain was already awake and moving about. After washing his face he started looking...
  2. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    "Relax it will be as good as new in no time." Gill replied with a warm smile. He was growing tired and it had been a very long day for the duo. he was very tired and his head was ringing. He turned to Rain and asked, " mind if I crash on your couch tonight I am exhausted." Gill stumbled to the...
  3. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill stared at his cut as Rain chanted his spell, to his surprise the wound started healing a little faster but didn't fully go away. The pain had lessened and Gill felt as if it wasn't so fragile anymore. He let a small grin slip out. " Thanks for trying Rain. As you can see it did help a...
  4. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill looked at his wound as Rain inquired about it. He could tell it still needed to be attended to, but he couldn't go to the hospital. He knew he would have to patch it up a different way. " no hospital and no police. We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to ourselves then we need...
  5. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill leaned to the side as he watched the older man leave the room, he could tell that he was rather upset. Once Rainero's father had left Gill waited for a moment before bursting out with laughter. " Oh boy! That was close! But hey I still got a job! Now then, since that is done now we wait for...
  6. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill walked up and squatted next to Rainero's father so he would be able to look him in the eyes. "Listen sir, I understand you have your worries, but this is the sort of thing I do for a living. I take my job very seriously and I plan to bring back the treasures of these ruins we are about to...
  7. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    " Whoa Whoa now! Gill Marx is tied to no man! I am like a wild hurricane!" Gill waved his hands in the air imitating a tornado. " Listen sir, I understand you frustrations in this issue, but let me tell you. There is no one out there that can do my job like I can!" Gill gave a victorious pose...
  8. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Seeing the smaller gentleman so irritated was funny to Gill. But none the less the man deserved an explaination. So With a wide grin Gill began to explain himself, " Well you see.... It started with the waitress mistaking us for a couple. Then I had the Idea if we acted like one no one would be...
  9. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill sat on his stool dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that he had missed the man in the arm chair. This agitated Gill slightly, because Gill was usually so observant of his surroundings. Without a second thought Gill hopped up from his stool and walked up to the fuming Spainard. Swiftly Gill...
  10. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill chuckled softly " Don't worry Rain it will take a lot more than this to take me down." Gill looked over the wound that he had on his arm. It was throbbing and hurting, but Gill only showed Rain a gently smile. He knew that no matter what he always had to show a smile even if he was in pain...
  11. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill took a moment to let his body relax and loosen. He could barley feel any pain from him arm even with the gaping hole in it." This is a flesh wound... I promised I would keep you safe and I will keep my promises." Gill patted Rains head and gave him a re assuring nod. " I will heal this at...
  12. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    The situation was grim, and Gilll knew he would have to act fast to get out of the current situation unharmed. He calmly assessed the situtation. At a first glance He could tell that both of the Robbers were inexperienced in fighting. Their stances alone gave that detail away. "Now now boys, I...
  13. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill relaxes slightly and straightened his clothes. "Well Rain, shall we crack on?" Gill asked. He began walking forward again and he could see the alley slowly brighten up. Gill released a small sigh of relief that they were almost back to a safer part of town. Before they could make it to the...
  14. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    Gill looked at Rain as if he was a small animal. He promised to protect him. But now he wanted to protect him not because of the money he was being paid but because the little guy was starting to grow on him." Don't worry Rain you may not be accustomed to these situations but I am. So just stick...
  15. ShadowCrassodon254

    The Adventure Begins!

    When Gill saw there was no can outside it left an uneasy feeling in his gut. He could tell from his surroundings that they were in a bad part of town. This place almost reminded him of the slums he grew up in. The air was just as thick with numerous stenches as it was with pollution. Gill...