Recent content by SergiX

  1. SergiX

    Futuristic So We Meet Again

    Sergi took a step back as he readjusted his collar, a stinging sensation coming from some dry scales that were rubbed off the back of his neck when he forced forward. He wasn't complaining though, he was just glad the man hadn't done anything worse, not that he couldn't of handled it, but it...
  2. SergiX

    Futuristic So We Meet Again

    Sergi braced himself against the stall as he was jerked forward, some of the produce falling onto the ground as he did this. He listened to the man as he spoke, staring into the eyes that gave him the strong urge to look away as they burned holes into him. "Do you really think they wouldn't of...
  3. SergiX

    Futuristic So We Meet Again

    "Because-" Sergi began. "Everyone else I know is either impossible to track down , or dead! And it wasn't from no natural causes either." He said, straining to keep his voice quiet enough to evade people from overhearing. "Do you remember Le'mae? How 'bout Ferlorn? Klane?...Bahu?" He asked...
  4. SergiX

    Futuristic So We Meet Again

    Sergi watched as Elex left, the boy quickly becoming a memory as he made his way deeper into the market, escaping from his sight. He never thought of Ayaan as the type to have kids, at least not any legitimate ones, but he supposed a lot could change in eight years. The Airavata's eyes returned...
  5. SergiX

    Futuristic So We Meet Again

    "Why couldn't he have ran off to a more temperate planet." Was the first thing that came to Sergi's mind as he disembarked his ship. It wasn't everyday that the Airavata made a stop at agricultural planets, and he sure was not going to be making a habit out of it. The sun was practically...
  6. SergiX

    I'm not sure how many problems I have because math is one of them.

    I'm not sure how many problems I have because math is one of them.
  7. SergiX

    Fantasy Looking for pal(s) [Updated 08/27/17]

    Hey, I know this is a few days old, but I was wondering if you might still be interested in doing a futuristic RP? I looked over your possible plots, and even though I liked some of them, could we perhaps come up with a variant of one, or a completely new one entirely? Let me know if you'd be...
  8. SergiX

    Futuristic Discovery

    Bahu flipped on the switch next to the automatic sliding door, the dim light filtering through the dust particles in the air, resembling dew that had remained frozen in midair, like a moment captured in a photograph. The large and imposing Alnamar went across the room, each step bringing him...
  9. SergiX

    Fandom G1 Transformers: Young Ratchet X Wheeljack

    Cybertron, due to a recent increase in population, has very little room and energon for the mechs and femmes that live on it. The lower class are put into cramped apartment buildings, usually consisting of multiple families per unit, and most of the adults there are put to work in the mines in...
  10. SergiX

    Fandom Don't Starve RP

    If it's not too late to join, I would be interesting in RPing with you.
  11. SergiX

    Futuristic Mercenaries of the Nexus

    Sergi followed behind, checking his pockets as he walked in order to make sure his small amount of items, his throwing knives and tablets, were still there, and had not been stolen or accidently dropped. He looked up as they began to get closer to the ship, less than pleased by the sight of the...
  12. SergiX

    Futuristic Mercenaries of the Nexus

    Sergi, although his usual skeptical self, was in agreement with Blackout. They didn't just steal the hunk of rock to sit on their ship as a reminder of their failed transaction, so they might as well take any deal they could get, especially if it there was the slightest chance of getting a good...
  13. SergiX

    Futuristic Mercenaries of the Nexus

    Sergi had just finished bartering with a vendor when the call from Xell came in. He stuffed the small container of capsules in his pocket as he walked towards the isle Xell went to, deciding to take a few cuts in certain areas to reach the designation faster. The alien navigated through the...
  14. SergiX

    Futuristic Mercenaries of the Nexus

    Sergi had watched as the two left before he took a look around, contemplating which way to go for a few moments. He decided to head down one of the isles not restricted by one particular item type to find someone who might be interested in that hunk of rock, as well as to find the vendor he had...
  15. SergiX

    Futuristic Mercenaries of the Nexus

    Sergi followed suit behind Ayla, looking from side to side to make sure a soldier dumb enough, or smart enough to know it wasn't an actual grenade, to try and attack them. The scene before him reminded him of something that an old human had told him when he was younger, something about the Red...