Recent content by Salara

  1. Salara

    Advice/Help I have two writing issues

    I like your style. It leaves natural questions, which may or may not actually need answers right away (or at all!). Questions such as.. Where is he? Is he alone? What is this room like, if a phone ring echoes and there's a dart board on the wall? How did he learn to throw daggers so well...
  2. Salara

    Advice/Help I have two writing issues

    It's challenging to show, and not tell, in almost any situation. I think the biggest key to that is knowing your character, in your heart. It helps, especially as you are learning who a character is, and how they might react to certain situations, to run down a list of your senses as you...
  3. Salara

    Viewpoint You Ever Thought of Turning your RPs into Games?

    That's a great question! As it stands, a group of RPer friends and I are in the research/planning stage of developing an MMO-style game out of our RP world. There are so many options out there, but I feel like "our generation" (creative writers, RPers, gamers, and imagineers - not age based) has...
  4. Salara

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    I will admit I have not read through all 40 pages of comments, and I barely feel as though I have the right to share for not doing so.. but I love to see that of those I have read, that there are folks out there who share some of my own unpopular opinions. I am not alone! I would like to add...
  5. Salara

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you all. I go by Salara. I have been RPing for many years, beginning in an old ICE Chatroom. (My age might be showing, now.) I moved on to Furcadia, and dabbled on various forums, and eventually earned a bachelor's degree in creative writing. No, it's not...