Recent content by Sagacitas

  1. Sagacitas

    Looking for new, long term partners!

    Hey, I'd be happy to start a RP with. I have a few ideas to share and would gladly chat them over with you on Discord
  2. Sagacitas

    What is the avatar above you thinking?

    "I've got a mean left hook, so go ahead. I dare you to laugh at my outfit"
  3. Sagacitas

    Other If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

  4. Sagacitas

    Literature Favorite Book/Series

    48 Laws of Power
  5. Sagacitas

    Other What is your favourite accent?

    German, British, and Australian
  6. Sagacitas

    What was the last movie you watched?

    black panther
  7. Sagacitas

    Literature Favorite Quotes

    "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." -Winston Churchill
  8. Sagacitas

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Just the latin version of Sagacity, which was a "word of the day" from my dictionary app a while back
  9. Sagacitas

    Other Gaming Preference

    Definitely enjoy console for most genres, but prefer strategy games on PC
  10. Sagacitas

    Music Do you listen to a playlist when you RP?

    My spotify playlist of hiphop instrumentals. Always relaxing
  11. Sagacitas

    Define the avatar above you in one word

  12. Sagacitas

    Would you marry the avatar above you?

    yep, with a neck like that, don't need to see her face
  13. Sagacitas

    What is the avatar above you thinking?

    "If I don't look, that can't see me"
  14. Sagacitas

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  15. Sagacitas

    How Did The Person Above You Die?
