Recent content by Ritter2k

  1. R

    Other The 'Paragraph Problem'

    Wow. I am a fault of this type of writing. I blame school, claiming a paragraph is at least five sentences or seven. Thanks for the advice and will try to implement it into my own writing.
  2. R

    Other Should I leave RPN?

    Sounds like you need to take a break friend. It is summer though, so maybe you will have some luck in getting a committed partner. Other than that, you can only hope you'll find a true faithful partner :) .
  3. R

    Other Most Painful Character death

    As of recently, your friendly neighborhood spiderman hit me hard. I didn't feel so good after watching infinity ward :(
  4. R

    Literature Hogwarts House?

    Huffle puff! Hear me Roar!!! *Meow*
  5. R

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Ritter means knight in Germany and i thought that was cool.
  6. R

    Other If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

    Super speed. Would help when I start procrastinating on work and other things I don't wish to do. or the ability to time stop. Just something to help manage time, like time travel. I am just rambling at this point
  7. R

    Other Wow no one even welcomed me when I made an introduction..

    I feel your pain friend. Though perhaps you should take the initiative. Cheers :)