

Ah well lets see... I'm just now trying to get back into roleplaying, since it's something that helps me write as well. It's been a while since I have, and I feel like I need to get back in the motions again.

When it comes to roleplaying, I'm into fantasy, adventure, action, and the futuristic and medieval time periods. I also do a bit of gaming on the side, along with just being a general movie lover, so I wouldn't mind roleplay's within certain Fandoms/Movies/Games.

Some of The Stuff I'm Into:

  • Monster Hunter World
  • Power Rangers (Planning A Fanfic)
  • Into The Badlands (Show)
  • Marvel and DC
  • Code Lyoko
  • Freezing (Anime)
  • Underworld (Movie Series)
I'm also into the star wars franchise, but I don't really know too much about it. I would really like to get into that more, so if anyone would like to help me out I am totally down mind Roleplaying within that universe either.


I'm more of a 1x1 kind of role player, mainly because I haven't have that many good experiences in groups. I wouldn't mind branching out a bit more with groups, and I don't really play canon characters when it comes to fandom RP's. I consider myself semi-lit , even though in my past I was able to write a lot more. I'm also going to warn you from now, I do have a habit of misreading things, so if I do screw up please let me know. Sometimes I won't realize after I sent my reply.

Roleplay Style

When it actually comes down to roleplaying, I myself don't use asterisks (**) but I don't mind if that's your style. I'm not a stickler for response size either; as long as I can read it and understand it I'm good. I use double parenthesis (()) for when talking out of character, and I like to keep my character's around my age (23) or higher.


I write my own plots, but if you have something that you would like to do I'm absolutely down to do that too. I haven't done a lot of roleplays where you just figure things out as you go along, so I can't really count my ability to do those.

And so that's about it for my profile! If you have any questions or anything like that, please let me know!



