Recent content by Revenant

  1. Revenant

    Fantasy Savage Rebellion

    So, here's the rules. 1. No godmodding, I don't think I have to explain that. 2. Don't be something that's ascended like a demon or angel. Not much off the top of my head at the current moment, hope you have fun, this is my hope thread and I hope I didn't mess up already.
  2. Revenant

    Fantasy Savage Rebellion

    @Revenant, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  3. Revenant

    Fantasy Savage Rebellion

    Full Name: Gender: Age: Race: Languages Spoken: Abilities: Physical Appearance: Inventory: Personality Details: Backstory: (Pretty simple bio skeleton.)
  4. Revenant

    Fantasy Savage Rebellion

    For thousands of years the empire has ruled the continent stretching from the Elven lands in the south, to the Dwarven mountains in the north. It was during the Eighth War of Greenskins, what seems like eons ago, the empire was formed to subjugate the Orcs, Ogres and Hobgoblin kingdoms of...
  5. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn shrugged. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......... No clue! Need anymore helps?" Vaughn said helps, god help us all.
  6. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    It was at this point where Anaxial would feel a crippling backlash of psychic kinetic energy. And a dark whisper in his head. "This is my domain, and you've just incurred my wrath." It seemed as if this was an omen of some kind. Meanwhile Vaughn attempted to carry Thalia to Mena. As he...
  7. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn continued to try and place a few more healing spells on her, while weak, it was something. "Are.... Are you sure? What happened to her?"
  8. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn began to freak out, as he looked around to see if anyone could help her. At first he'd attempt to use what weak magic he had to heal her. As his began to spin around yelling for anyone to help. "HELP! She doesn't look really.. Uh... UH... HELP!"
  9. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn for a second stopped thinking about the squirrel to look at Thalia. "You don't look so good... You look kinda sleepy. But maybe it's because I'm sleepy, are you sleepy?" Vaughn said in a rather strange way.
  10. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn sat down next to her, and looked at Thalia with curious eyes and asked. "What's a fympth. Sounds like a fruit, or some kind of... Squirrel....." Vaughn said thinking really hard about the Squirrel. Oh, also it probably was abit rude for him to listen.
  11. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    A telepathic laugh would be sent back to the creature, however Vaughn seemed oblivious to this telepathic retort he had sent and continued to look at the creature. Before blurting out. "Well you see, we are this special thing called... a.... HUMAN!" He said throwing his arms in the air...
  12. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn looked at Thalia. "But... But- I was gonna be all big and strong! Standing up to the big bad bug monster! Why'ya have to steal my glory?" Vaughn said comically mopey.
  13. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn shook in fear, but he refused to cower boasting his chest. The monster would also receive a message back in his mind. "Hm? I shall admit you do look of a rather sturdy build, but I hold no fear of you. And I'd suggest against further action against me lest you incur my wrath, wretch." The...
  14. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    Vaughn continued to watch the creature for a moment, before instinctively throwing a small rock at the space monster. "HEY!" He said in a brave tone, before realizing what exactly he has done. @Anaxial
  15. Revenant

    Fantasy Down The Well

    (Don't forget to mention the chaos frog that is slowly transforming people.)