Recent content by Quakernuts

  1. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Beauchamp "Among beads of sand, we fall into an ever steady rhythm" _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The battle swept by, a raging current that rushed by the individuals in hopes of encompassing them in...
  2. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Beauchamp "Suffering and Madness, what that could we lose ourselves in the clutches of compulsion" __________________________________________________________________________ The illusion of a happy group of carefree adventurers would not repeat itself along the next couple days of the...
  3. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Kalista Maniota _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mendax lead the way of the unlikely group of allies a scant few steps ahead of what could only be classified as an armored oxen stomping behind him. Kalista seemed completely intent on...
  4. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Beauchamp "We are a vessel for the undying and the mortal, a filled cup that overflows, for we are forever full" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It didn’t take a sensor’s power to...
  5. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Kalista Maniota "My path has lead me down so many trampled dreams...and none of them are mine." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ They say having friends makes facing the world that much easier, to stand...
  6. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Bouchamp "A taste of freedom; Remembrance; Pain comes from many sources" _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The entrance to the City of Brass could have gone smoother, but at least none of the Redeemers...
  7. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Beauchamp "Bring with it, a sensation of realization, come forth courage and bear me through it all." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The softening of an anxiety that threatened Scour was something...
  8. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Beauchamp "Causation without realization can lead to the field of sorrow" _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The meeting wasn’t exactly what Lilean had been expecting, but to say he had had any idea...
  9. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Beauchamp "The new often brings with it trials and tribulations mixed with pleasant sensations"...
  10. Quakernuts

    Fantasy Grey & Spectral: The Last Redemption (CLOSED)

    Lilean Beauchamp "The path winds and turns, we end up lost, never aware of where we were heading to begin with."...