
These 'about you' sections always get to me a little bit because it's always a matter of opinion as to how much is too much you know? I never really like talking about myself, so lets keep this short and sweet.

Been writing/RP'ing for roughly 13 years and while I haven't been as active as I once was, I do try to keep at it.

I've been to a number of RP sites, such as FoG, RPGateway and a couple of other ones that I didn't stick around long enough to really warrant me listing them here.

I enjoy pretty much every facet of writing, and the only thing I ask of the people who are writing with me is to match my level of effort. There is nothing more demoralizing than spending an afternoon putting together a post only to have the other person write back with the literary equivalent of 'K'. I want there to be a back and forth, I want there to be ideas tossed around and plots thrown together with wild abandon because we're excited about it. Don't hit me with that 'couldn't care less' attitude and I will always put effort into our work together.

Aside from that, everything else is more or less whatever you guys want to ask me. I can be a bit...eccentric at times as I've been told so brace for that. Otherwise, see you around the site.
Apr 26, 1992 (Age: 32)
Somewhere in Canada
Deskside Technician