Recent content by PvtZetacius

  1. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    Hey boizzzz an gallllz
  2. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse

    "We go... right, yeah, we do" Greg was about to start questioning the girl on the supposed Tortellini, but chokes on the thought before he could finish, realizing he should probably just let the girl have her thing, probably the only few things that she must be holding onto, the resemblance of...
  3. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    So, should we ping the rest to see?
  4. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    Give it a twirl, it's a good game, even better with good mods That said, I'd much prefer the standard slow walkers
  5. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    YOU DARE NOT KNOW OF THE GAME OF- I'm kidding how did you not know that game until now? XDDDD
  6. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    Fast, some puke acid, that's two features of zombies in the Left 4 Dead game where you play 1 of 4 survivors that try to get from place to place to escape the zombies
  7. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    Same, I wasn't quite expecting the kind that would force you to keep on moving
  8. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    Hol' up, we're good with mutators?
  9. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse

    "Probably shouldn't take that long killing the thing" Greg mentions to Logan once he made it back in, still slightly peeved but more hungry than anything else as he made sure there weren't any more lurking about, already nervous when that single one just appeared right next to the soldier and...
  10. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    Ayy guys, c'mon
  11. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse

    Greg lets out a grunt as he was called to action once again in the middle of eating, the girl in the background was easily enough ignored, but the pat and seeing the military man moving out was not good to just ignore, becoming disgruntled as he was made to pause from stuffing himself and also...
  12. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse

    "Greg..." he would take a moment looking at his hand, and handed him a tough cookie from the pack he unraveled, before remembering what the gesture was for, and gave him a weak shake "... right, handshakes... haven't had those in a while" And it shows, with the way he holds it felt more like he...
  13. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    AYYY you bacc
  14. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    I reckon if they haven't posted by now, it's probably good to go on, eh?
  15. PvtZetacius

    Fantasy A Good Ol' Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

    I'm still in, just waiting for more people to do things, hopefully more getting to know each other could happen in this first downtime