Recent content by PsychadelicRainWood

  1. P

    Ayyyyy bruh

    Well I'm new to role playing so I'm up for anything
  2. P

    *New RPer Has Spawned*

    I used to write a lot of poetry and posted some online but I don't think that translates over here! Haha
  3. P

    Ayyyyy bruh

    I love Harry Potter too!!!
  4. P

    Help please :P

    I'm new too so I don't know what kind I like but ive played D&D before if there's anything like that?
  5. P

    Howdy all!

    Hi! I'm new too!
  6. P

    I'm new

    I have ADHD and anxiety as well as depression so I get where you're coming from!
  7. P

    Help??? New and Confused.

    I don't really know much about this site either. I feel like I can get around it ok but I'm not sure on the rping thing! I've only ever play D&D!
  8. P

    Hey! :-)

    I'm also new and I don't really have any ideas on rping besides playing D&D.
  9. P

    Other How tall are you?

  10. P

    Hello! I'm new here!

    Hi I am new to role playing as well. I have played Dungeons and Dragons a few times but that is the closest I've been to anything like this!