Recent content by privremen

  1. privremen

    it is officially 👻spooky time👻 once more

    it is officially 👻spooky time👻 once more
  2. privremen

    coughs cobwebs boO

    coughs cobwebs boO
  3. privremen

    Other Hey, you. Wanna do something weeeird? (Slots open!)

    this chimera sounds super heckin' metal so far, so why not add even moRE METAL couldn't decide between shoebill or thorny dragon, so heck why not a thorny dragon torso and shoebill wings lmao I don't think there's any like defining characteristics of shoebill wings but heckin shoeBILL WINGS
  4. privremen

    the Witching Hour of Spookery™ is upon us o:< boo

    the Witching Hour of Spookery™ is upon us o:< boo
  5. privremen

    'boutta be spookieR in here o:<<

    'boutta be spookieR in here o:<<
  6. privremen


  7. privremen

    steak and cheese in a buttcrust

    steak and cheese in a buttcrust
  8. privremen

    it is christmas my dudes hohohooaAAAAAAAAAA

    it is christmas my dudes hohohooaAAAAAAAAAA
  9. privremen

    why is it almost 2020 aaA

    why is it almost 2020 aaA
  10. privremen

    VR speedrunners are probably buff as hell.

    VR speedrunners are probably buff as hell.
  11. privremen

    no u m80 :D

    no u m80 :D
  12. privremen

    Oooohmygodohmygod WHAT There's a new Half-Life game coming out. What the f-

    Oooohmygodohmygod WHAT There's a new Half-Life game coming out. What the f-
  13. privremen

    [MEDIA] f i r e s

    f i r e s
  14. privremen

    it's boutta be s p o o k y in here >:o

    it's boutta be s p o o k y in here >:o
  15. privremen

    Happy birthday, oh dark one! nah but srsly, ur awesome, happy bday! :D

    Happy birthday, oh dark one! nah but srsly, ur awesome, happy bday! :D