Recent content by PotatoTruffles

  1. PotatoTruffles

    Anime & Manga Lets talk Mob Psycho 100

    It's funny cause I just so happen to be rewatching Mob Psycho since 2 days ago. I love Reigen! It's funny how he carries himself and his cons, but at the same time be act as the moral mentor for Mob. I personally find it a little sad that One Punch Man got a lot more attention than this. IMO...
  2. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Main

    Jaslene Hudson Location: The Davis House || Tags: @Shadow ”Mamma,” she whispered softly and slowly, as if to enunciate each syllable so clearly so that little Noah could imitate her voice and repeat after her. Smiling as Jaslene did a soft head bump with Noah’s smooth forehead, Noah...
  3. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Main

    Trevor 'TJ' Johnson Location: The Ross Residence || Tags: @DarkRumours The little peck on his cheek felt warm, but that was it. There was little romantic love between TJ and Anya. Sure, TJ would openly admit harbouring a soft spot for Anya, but only one of trust as a work partner, and...
  4. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Main

    Trevor 'TJ' Johnson Location: The Ross Residence || Tags: @DarkRumours The melodic sounds of chirping birds penetrated the walls of his bedroom, the sound waves transmitted to the ears of the sleeping man. The blasting noise was deafening to him during this time of the day, where little to no...
  5. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Characters and submissions

    Jaslene Hudson Full Name: Jaslene May G. Torres/Jaslene Hudson Nickname: Jas Sex: Female Age: 28 Height: 5ft 3in Weight: 115lbs Sexuality: Heterosexual Cover name: Althea 'Thea' Davis Roleplayer: PotatoTruffles FC: Marian Rivera Likes: fa-check-square-o Singing, dancing, and...
  6. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - OOC

    If that's the case, I might go ahead and post my WIP. And then modify minor details at a later time. :) @supertoastgirl I won't be able to post now cause it's really late where I am, but I'll do it tomorrow morning (not more than 12-15 hours later).
  7. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - OOC

    @supertoastgirl I'm almost done with mine, just wanna wait a bit to see @Shadow's CS so that I can put the finishing touches on mine (eg last names, some background info).
  8. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Your friendly espionage RP - Interest Check

    If we're waiting on my CS for the female retired agent, I'm happy for you guys to let interested parties know that it's still open, even if mine is a WIP. :) If we have people interested to join, I'm happy to be focusing on just TJ. I'll probably be working on my second CS tomorrow, but happy to...
  9. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Your friendly espionage RP - Interest Check

    About me playing one of the retired agents, I’m happy to stick with that plan, but if someone is interested to play them I’m also happy to back off. :) Sorry for the lack of replies, I was busy with my cousin’s wedding the last few days.
  10. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Characters and submissions

    Trevor Johnson Full Name: Trevor Benjamin Johnson Nickname: TJ Sex: Male Age: 34 Height: 6 ft Weight: 190 pounds Sexuality: Heterosexual Cover name: Liam Ross Roleplayer: PotatoTruffles FC: Travis Fimmel Likes: fa-check-square-o Gambling fa-check-square-o Smoking and alcohol...
  11. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Your friendly espionage RP - Interest Check

    Nah, no need to! Goes well with my character's fake name. :P
  12. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Your friendly espionage RP - Interest Check

    Ah okay, yeah I only asked that to make sure i should follow your character’s fake surname, Ross. Haha. Thanks!
  13. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Your friendly espionage RP - Interest Check

    I have a question: As I am making my CS for the Balto Agent now, am I right in assuming his cover is the husband of the weapons designer?
  14. PotatoTruffles

    Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood - Your friendly espionage RP - Interest Check

    In that case, I'm happy to play Agent B and Balto Agent. I suppose if no one opposed to this, I might get started on writing up their CS soon! Excited for this. :)
  15. PotatoTruffles

    Closed Ria's -- code dump?

    @RI.a, I wanted to be able to type over my image, so your second template is absolutely perfect for me. I sort of used your codes as reference to do my own codes. I've scanned through many other BBcodes around here, but you arranged yours so nicely, I was able to learn it very quickly! Thank...