Recent content by polandwire

  1. polandwire

    Other How do YOU work/life balance?

    Yeah this exactly. I have a very social job and a very low social battery so even good days at work wipe me out ("it seems counterintuitive to have that job if you're an introvert, Poland." it's the one I could get D: ). It's frustrating as all get out cause I experience writer's block that has...
  2. polandwire

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hullo, you can call me Poland. It's a misleading name since I, myself, have nothing to do with the country. It's one of those things where it's been my username for so long it'd be weird to change it now. My social anxiety has kept me from writing one of these intros before now but here I am...
  3. polandwire

    Other How do YOU work/life balance?

    Asking here because this is something directly affecting my ability to write decent posts in a timely manner. I don't remember having this problem when I joined the workforce ## years ago but lately work has been feeling all-consuming, so I'm curious if there's something I've forgotten or...
  4. polandwire

    [MEDIA] @1.25x speed

    @1.25x speed
  5. polandwire

    Fandom looking for a (long term) roleplay partner!

    Hi! I'd be down to do some original story brainstorming :>