Recent content by Plant Food

  1. Plant Food

    Answered Oh Gosh Oh no!!! Im new to this. Help...

    I want to do an rp on here, preferably fantasy, but I'm blatantly new to this and I dont know how to DO that. Like how do I mark trigger warnings, why am i being asked to atatch files???
  2. Plant Food

    Im Just a baby!! Im all new and afraid!!

    A lot of Rp sites are super daunting to me, though im not new to role playing. On the contrary this style of rp website is lost to my absolute monkey brain. Can someone please point me around and show me how to get things started?
  3. Plant Food

    Comment by 'Plant Food' in media 'Spectacular-Digital-Painting-Portraits-4.jpg'

    Is this your art? Its really nice!