Recent content by PanPan

  1. PanPan

    Sure I'll write up some plots.

    Sure I'll write up some plots.
  2. PanPan

    Currently getting into D&D with a couple friends. #StillNoob I'm up for any D&D campaigns you...

    Currently getting into D&D with a couple friends. #StillNoob I'm up for any D&D campaigns you guys might have though~
  3. PanPan

    The Sinclair Palette — Cafe RP & Commissions (OPEN)

    She smiles back without a tinge of embarrassment, accepting more of these out-of-the blue compliments. Why does the man do this? To catch her off-guard? She wonders. Then her mind turns its attention to the information he's just given: how he loves to read high-fantasy novels on his off days...
  4. PanPan

    The Sinclair Palette — Cafe RP & Commissions (OPEN)

    ((@Chiberz, thank you so much for noticing my work! ♥ Please feel free to place an order whenever you like, I'd be super happy to accommodate you! ♥ Also, please feel free to join in the roleplay if you like, it's just been me and @YumenoTsukishiro, so no pressure. :) ) ))
  5. PanPan

    The Sinclair Palette — Cafe RP & Commissions (OPEN)

    She grins a conceited grin, thoroughly enjoying this exchange. "You're looking at her." She finds it refreshing that someone finally humored her little wisecracks—she was never really one for basic pleasantries. The jab accomplished two things: confirming that this Grant person was indeed...
  6. PanPan

    The Sinclair Palette — Cafe RP & Commissions (OPEN)

    "What I do? Well, that's a little hard to answer," She props a chin on a palm, her elbow on the table, showing her interest. He goes on to describe the details of his work—mostly complaints about bitchy clients—his experiences so familiar, it makes her laugh. Then he explains how the endless...
  7. PanPan

    Welcome to RpNation! ♥ Hope you have fun here!

    Welcome to RpNation! ♥ Hope you have fun here!
  8. PanPan

    Realistic or Modern Moonshine (Bar & Restaurant) — CLOSED

    @Oapboap, welcome to Moonshine and thank you for applying! ♥ @PaulTercen can't check the thread yet because of lack of internet, but she can probably check by Monday-Tuesday. ♥ Until then, please feel free to hang out here on the OOC thread until the verdict! (Sidenote: Kyle seems like a nice...
  9. PanPan

    Realistic or Modern Moonshine (Bar & Restaurant) — CLOSED

    @YumenoTsukishiro, no need for this apology. :) )) Tony's just an ass :) )
  10. PanPan

    Realistic or Modern Moonshine (Bar & Restaurant)

    One of his eyebrows slowly rises in disgust as he overhears the Asian Kid's (Graham, @YumenoTsukishiro) comment. Christ Jesus al-fucking-mighty, what are you saying? That she isn't pretty without it? He concludes that the bespectacled oriental cinnamon roll is undeniably virgin. Virgin in the...
  11. PanPan

    We Are Art Café

    @TripTripleTimes, 'eh' is better than 'dead' in my book. :) )) Gah I'm super excited to be able to casually draw again—I have to be conservative right now with my tablet usage (because it is slowly, slowly dying on me). So it's mostly just commissions for now. BUT! I will be free to hang, draw...
  12. PanPan

    We Are Art Café

    @Diminium, what do you guys usually do here? ♥ From what I gathered from the first few posts, it's an art tutorial thread? I'm improving my digital painting skills right now so if anyone needs help with that, I'd be happy to teach you what I know. ♥
  13. PanPan

    The Sinclair Palette — Cafe RP & Commissions (OPEN)

    Grant. She nods, approving of the name. She remembers she's looked it up before—it meant something like, 'grand', or 'tall'. A quick appraisal and she concludes it suits him. While his actual height is unremarkable, his hair color choice of olive green made him stand out of the crowd, and she...
  14. PanPan

    Realistic or Modern Moonshine (Bar & Restaurant) — CLOSED

    @tsukikokimiko, no problem! ♥ Excited to see your post. ♥ @Aster, did you know that marijuana has been reputed to kill cancer cells? Haha, might be an interesting plot device.
  15. PanPan

    Realistic or Modern Moonshine (Bar & Restaurant) — CLOSED

    @YumenoTsukishiro, actually, I just Googled it for you and they say it's served in those big mason jars. But it also says that you can put them in glasses, yeah.