Recent content by Pandora Delvaux

  1. Pandora Delvaux

    Hello there!

    Thank you!~
  2. Pandora Delvaux

    Multiple Settings ISO RPs

    Thank you!~
  3. Pandora Delvaux

    Multiple Settings ISO RPs

    Hello! I am in search of RPs. Any genre is fine with me, really. Please visit my profile and read my "About me" when you get the time, and please do message me to plot (:
  4. Pandora Delvaux

    Hello there!

    Thank you!
  5. Pandora Delvaux

    Hello there!

    I'm new here, it's nice to meet cha'. I'm up for plotting RPs, and I'm excited to get some started so please don't be afraid to msg me. Please do read the "About Me" section on my profile before plotting with me when you get the time. I'm up for any type of genre, really. I'm looking forward to...