Recent content by Orinjambie

  1. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    (vonderful!) "Ah, my love I am sorry. Yes, let us go-" "Vivaldi would be thrilled to see you again, Alice. She's missed you almost as much as Peter." Ace grinned, gesturing towards Peter who had taken to glaring at the knight again. "Why not go have tea with her." "The Queen will only take...
  2. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    Peter's ears drooped as he pulled back, "Life has been so blue since you have been gone. I wish I knew for I would have returned for you sooner. But it doesn't matter now for you have come back!" he smiled brightly again, eyes full of joy. "Let us celebrate this joyous moment with some tea!"...
  3. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    Peter flicked his gun disdainfully, the weapon returning to the form of a clock which he let fall back to his side. For a year now this was what he had been doing. This and his work for the Queen. It was so mundane he finally began to understand why Ace wished to leave his job behind. He began...
  4. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    Swirling mists of greys, pinks, purples, and blues surrounded Orin as she opened her eyes. Sitting up she looked around, trying to orientate herself, succeeding only in making herself dizzy. Where am I now? She wondered getting to her feet. Too late did she remember her sprained ankle and moved...
  5. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    Orin merely nodded as Alice closed the door. Her eyes wandered around the room restlessly as her brain mulled over recent events. Peter White was the Prime Minister and he had a hand in the comings and goings. Maybe he's the reason why I'm here. I'll have to find him and talk to him as soon as...
  6. Orinjambie

    A New Breed

    Kat smiled despite the obvious uncertainty in the woman's eyes and picked up her bag, throwing it over her shoulder. Even if the woman didn't agree to them sticking together at least for a night Kat would be able to sleep in peace. For the past two weeks she had slept lightly, trying without...
  7. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    Orin snorted softly, "Sounds like something from a storybook. I don't remember anything after going to bed last night, I just woke up in a forest." she idly picked at her shirt and shook her head, "This has to be some kind of joke. A reality tv show or something! It's too real to be a dream."...
  8. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    "Sounds rather hermitish." Orin noted as Alice took her arm and helped her up the stairs. Up close Orin noticed that she was a good five inches taller than Alice and for some reason that pleased her. Keeping a smile off her face she turned to focus on taking one stair at a time. It wasn't too...
  9. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    "Uh, Orin." Orin shivered again and added, "Is it alright if I stay the night?" Or are you going to stand there all night staring? Shifting her weight slightly she winced, putting to much pressure on her ankle. "I suppose you can stay until after the storm. After that it would be best for you...
  10. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    Orin slumped back against the wall, shivering from the icy rain and the stone wall sucking away her body heat. Pushing off the wall she looked around the darkened interior. Something seemed off about the place, not only did it feel empty but it felt almost unwelcoming. The air was cold and...
  11. Orinjambie

    A New Breed

    Kat nodded, reluctant to explain further about her speech impediment. Considering the times and current events it seemed almost pointless to share that story. Writing was easier and not many people, if any anymore would know how to speak sign language. So the board was really her only option...
  12. Orinjambie

    A New Breed

    Picking the board back up Kat erased what she had written with a closed fist and wrote out, Two weeks about. It hurts to speak and I stutter. The words were bigger this time so they could be read easily at a distance. When she was sure the woman had read the board she turned it back around...
  13. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    Julius winced inside but said nothing. What could he say to her that wouldn't sound like a lie? Of course he was happy to see her even if it wasn't the same reason as most everyone else. He shook his head, "He hasn't been around the tower for at least a year now. He gave up when he realized...
  14. Orinjambie

    Alice in the Country of Hearts RP (AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Orinjambie)

    "Alice! I don't have time to go out for walks and it's a night cycle." Julius protested as Alice grabbed a hold of his arm. Despite his words he put up a little less resistance. It felt almost nice to have her back and fussing over his health. "It's dangerous to be outside at night." He added...
  15. Orinjambie

    A New Breed

    Kat perked up as the woman lowered her bow, but kept her cautious air. Knowing she still wasn't in the clear she slid off her bag and set it down on the ground before sliding a white board out of it. After a little digging around she found a green dry erase marker that had seen better days...