Recent content by noire

  1. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! Main

    ---------------------------- NAME BELOW; replace link within img tags to change image. --------------------------- ciel de etoile ------MENTIONS BELOW------------- mentions: @YoungX -------- TEXT BELOW -------- Ciel looked to Kalin's solution and blinked, watching as he stumbled...
  2. noire

    Hellooo! ~ Have a good day? I'm exhausted.

    Hellooo! ~ Have a good day? I'm exhausted.
  3. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! OOC

    I totally agree, I love it.
  4. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! OOC

    I did, I'm sorry. On my monitor it turns up a light blue, i'm probably just colorblind.
  5. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! Main

    ---------------------------- NAME BELOW; replace link within img tags to change image. --------------------------- hiroe ishida ------MENTIONS BELOW------------- mentions: @The_Omega_Effect , @Heir of Dalania -------- TEXT BELOW -------- Hiroe blew her bangs out from her face and...
  6. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! OOC

  7. noire

    I'm cackling, grow uupp

    I'm cackling, grow uupp
  8. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! OOC

    Ciel wouldn't mind.
  9. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! OOC

    Well both Hiroe and Ciel are both up for grabs as far as roommates go. Hiroe isn't a dyke, just a sporty tomboy & Ciel's a sweetheart with a lack of notion for personal space but nevertheless very sweet and optimistic. If all else fails, they'll probably end up roommates together which is also...
  10. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! OOC

    I feel like even when you have an obnoxious or ignorant character, an antagonist, there are limits. There's a line where things can become "too much", and will make things uncomfortable for everyone. It's kind of an unspoken rule, I feel.
  11. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! Main

    ---------------------------- NAME BELOW; replace link within img tags to change image. --------------------------- hiroe ishida ------MENTIONS BELOW------------- mentions: @Rock And Roll Boy -------- TEXT BELOW -------- Hiroe smiled big. "You are in my country... and you are...
  12. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! Main

    ---------------------------- NAME BELOW; replace link within img tags to change image. --------------------------- hiroe ishida ------MENTIONS BELOW------------- mentions: @Rock And Roll Boy -------- TEXT BELOW -------- Hiroe didn't take her eyes off of the loud girl equipped...
  13. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! Main

    ---------------------------- NAME BELOW; replace link within img tags to change image. --------------------------- hiroe ishida ------MENTIONS BELOW------------- mentions: @The_Omega_Effect, @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII, @Rock And Roll Boy, @Heir of Dalania, @rukadg, @. D O V E, --------...
  14. noire

    Fantasy pretty monsters // characters

  15. noire

    Realistic or Modern University on Deck: World Tour! OOC

    Same, to be honest. It'll be alright