Recent content by Nobuyumi

  1. Nobuyumi

    What video game world would you want to live in?

    I wouldn't mind living in the world of Final Fantasy Explorers, or the World of Final Fantasy game. Somewhere with light combat, but not super dire stakes.
  2. Nobuyumi

    Nickname the person above you

    Crazy Kid I mean.....-points at you-
  3. Nobuyumi

    Whold you KILL the avatar above you?

    No. There are already enough ghost pokemon. RIP
  4. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

      As she clearly rejected his half posed idea of staying with her for the evening Rafale shook his head a bit and began looking around the fairly empty lobby. If the campus was truly vacant it wouldn't be heard to hide in a room somewhere, though if someone found him he would have to kill them...
  5. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

    “Fifty is young,”  He decided to let the comment go. He knew it was probably young for a vampire but he didn't care. "Not like I can magically change it."  He tried one last card and then tore the card to pieces before chucking the remnants in a nearby trash can. “How much do you need to...
  6. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

    “No, you haven’t. My name is Adria." Rafale couldn't help but blink. It was a shockingly beautiful name. He hadn't expected such a thing from this woman. He half expected her to have some amazonian name and some title like "Corpse maker" or "Gut Smasher". It was then that she revealed what group...
  7. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

    “It isn’t we any longer.” Those words struck Rafale pretty hard. She wasn't wrong for sure, but it didn't stop how bitchy it sounded. Rafale simply sighed as the woman seemed to give more words. “You may want to reconsider that. The groups may be tedious, but they offer security to their...
  8. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

    “Unless you have the money or skills to fund that lifestyle, I suggest you look at more modest living,”  He looked at her like she was a little crazy. Then it hit him, of course she did. All she had seen was him cowering and blood covered. Of course she didn't realize what a beautiful flower...
  9. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

    “You don’t have a place out of the sun already, do you?”   Rafale blinked. In his head he was screaming courses at his confusion. She just slaughtered someone like it was nothing and he thought for sure she was going to murder him, and now she is asking if he'll be alright? What the hell was...
  10. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

    She wouldn't sense any soul eating from him. Not a drop. Rafale, much like his master, was the type to play with the emotions, and sometimes pocket books, of others. A living sugar daddy was far more useful than a dead one. After all, the living tended to be able to refresh bank accounts or be...
  11. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

     Rafale had no words. Quite literally he had no words he was able to speak giving both the pain he was in and the shock of what he just saw. His beloved master had just been murdered in front of him, trying to save his life. Some silver haired Gangrel who looked strung out as hell was about to...
  12. Nobuyumi

    To the Wall (A vampire story with Lucyfer)

      If the hair matches the eyes, matches the tight pants, matches the frill covered shirt, matches the nails, matches the eye liner, matches the lip gloss, matches the look that says he could literally eat you up, you might have a vampire. In this case a vampire not like many others. A young man...
  13. Nobuyumi

    Dramatic RP Involving Crews of Carriers or Ships at war

    I do apologize for my silence in regard to this concept. I have been so busy recently. Though my time should be clearing up shortly.
  14. Nobuyumi

    Fandom Kantai Collection Poi

    Did you see this? Victory Belles Since Kantai wont give us a western release, they are making a western version of kantai.
  15. Nobuyumi

    Fandom Kantai Collection Poi
