Recent content by MudBug

  1. MudBug

    Multiple Settings Found Family Stuff

    *screams in Umbrella Academy* No but really, this sounds fun. I love the first idea. I too need a nap. I’ve got a weak strong argument for fantasy/sci-fi.. A: Bunch of aliens somehow end up mashed together (like roommates or sum?) and dealing with humans. Think Men in Black but from the...
  2. MudBug

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, all. My name is written there, a bit to the left. I haven’t been active on a role play forum in years. Despite this, I miss whatever it was my 15 year old self loved about this type of community. Omg.. like rawr or.., something.. e-e. Anyhow, I thought I might fill out this, right handy...