
Hello! You can call me William if you want.
I am a lit roleplayer. I've only been roleplaying for two or three years but I have really good English skills and I am very strong and detailed when it comes to writing so I guess I would call myself lit.

I can write 18-25 sentences, I am always up for a challenge. I wouldn't consider myself novella lit, but instead multipara lit, but I wouldn't be opposed to trying out novella. I like length and I'm always out to try to write longer and better then my partner.

I don't really roleplay with ocs, but I have no problem with OCs. The only thing I dislike is OC x Canon Or Human x Furry. Yes, I do have a few Fursonas and OCs, but I mostly do Canon.

I can roleplay pretty much a lot of things, I love fluff and Mxm romance the most and I can also do angst, violence, and smut. Keep in mind I am 18 and I will not roleplay dirty naughty things with anyone younger than me.
Plus, I am a collage student so if I don't respond I have not forgotten about you, I am just busy and will get back to you later!

My main Fandoms and pairings: (I have no problem with AUs.)
Sherlock-Johnlock and Mormor are my main ships, but I will roleplay almost any pairing for this one.
Hannibal- Hannigram.
Gotham- Nygmobblepot. And batman/joker or Jerome/Bruce.

I have skype and gmail, if roleplaying over there is better preferred, but please pm me if you want my contact info.
Aug 28, 1998 (Age: 25)
Self Artist/collage student

