Recent content by MonochromeSoul

  1. MonochromeSoul

    I have returned

    I have returned
  2. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay [Inactive]

    Sora readies his sword upon the attacking of the Direwolf. "HAH!" Sora attacks the Direwolf but, unfortunately, the Direwolf easily evaded the attack giving an possibility for him to be attacked. The Direwolf readies its attack. In a blink of an eye, Sora's senses reacted quickly and evaded...
  3. MonochromeSoul


  4. MonochromeSoul

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "I wake up in this forsaken place with no hope. Even though I'm immortal, I can't stand seeing hopeless people die in front of me. Everyday, I can hear the screams of people who dies slowly and suddenly change into those horrid beings." "My only goal is to survive, and that's what I'm gonna...
  5. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay [Inactive]

    -After Akihiko's Announcement- Many players are in panic of not being able to log-out in the game. Other went rage and some tried to do suicide. Sora was shocked to seeing people die in this game, this cruel game... Sora tries to look the tab where the log-out button was assigned. Out of...
  6. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    Why? It's my choice. All I wait is Anji's descision.So yep, we both agreed on that idea :)
  7. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    I'll just ask if I can meet Anji's char maybe when i got for like, 20 floors up. But for now, I'll be a solo player
  8. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

  9. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    Haha, good I don't have to worry about the turns
  10. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    BTW, I may not be "that" active when the school starts Sorry for the inconvenience
  11. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    Wot xD
  12. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    What did just happened here??
  13. MonochromeSoul

    When Darkness Comes.

    Thanks @jade162 !!!
  14. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    I think they're in another realm xD
  15. MonochromeSoul

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    I wonder where did the other peeps go? OuO