Recent content by Mircalla Lunasi

  1. Mircalla Lunasi

    Fantasy Gothic Fantasy RP set in Victorian Era?

    Grrrl, you KNOW I want to help! 😅. I've got your back in everything, no matter what.
  2. Mircalla Lunasi

    Fantasy Gothic Fantasy RP set in Victorian Era?

    This is gonna be great when we get there. I'm surely very excited about it!
  3. Mircalla Lunasi

    Fantasy Gothic Fantasy RP set in Victorian Era?

    Looks like our group is growing. 😏
  4. Mircalla Lunasi

    Fantasy Gothic Fantasy RP set in Victorian Era?

    I'm sure she'll love to hear them when she gets back. I'm not sure where she is today, but she's definitely still working on things.
  5. Mircalla Lunasi

    Fantasy Gothic Fantasy RP set in Victorian Era?

    It's gonna be great. I've been talking out ideas with another member, & yeah. This will be fantabulous. Guaranteed. So for everyone waiting, yes, do continue to be patient please. Because this one absolutely will be worth it.
  6. Mircalla Lunasi

    Introduce Yourself!

    Of that, I am very certain.
  7. Mircalla Lunasi

    Introduce Yourself!

    I'll go by Mircalla Lunasi here. I have plenty of experience in real-world role-playing via D&D, & a small amount LARPing & being in plays, however, I have never done it online. I love all generas when done well, however, my favourites are anything which combines romance, mystery, & horror, with...
  8. Mircalla Lunasi

    Introduce Yourself!

    I'll go by Mircalla Lunasi here. I have plenty of experience in real-world role-playing via D&D, & a small amount LARPing & being in plays, however, I have never done it online. I love all generas when done well, however, my favourites are anything which combines romance, mystery, & horror...