Recent content by Melon

  1. Melon

    Fantasy † Two Worlds † [OOC]

    IIRC, Warlock is the class that uses summons.
  2. Melon

    Fantasy † Two Worlds † [OOC]

    @Wandering Spirit Around how powerful should we be? Low-mid street tier, give or take?
  3. Melon

    Fantasy † Two Worlds † [OOC]

    @Wandering Spirit Our abilities have to fit in with our classes, but can otherwise be unique (within reason), right?
  4. Melon

    Fantasy † Two Worlds †

    Well this is interesting. I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread.
  5. Melon

    Hello, nice to meet you.

    Seems like quite an active site. Hope to join you all in your RP endeavors.