Recent content by Madame Owl

  1. Madame Owl

    Viewpoint How old is too old or too young to RP? Does it really matter?

    I have players on my site that are truly in their 60s and a some that just turned 19. I know that I personally started when I was 14 and had NO business rping what I was writing. Frankly I was breaking the law then as we did have adult themes and my partners were so much older than I was. (This...
  2. Madame Owl

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello there! I think I joined this site a while back and am taking another stab at figuring it out. I feel like such a mom, but yay nerd moms! Happy to be part of it!
  3. Madame Owl

    Realistic or Modern Kindred Spirits and Romantic Hearts

    Hello there! I am on the hunt for a few one on ones as I'm branching out in this new world of forum RP as this one. I have been part of group forums for many years but got my beginnings in AOL chats. (Yes...I'm that old) I'm a busy little wife and mother who works a full time job as well, but...
  4. Madame Owl

    Multiple Settings dead thread pls ignore

    I have been itching to play in a faux-historical setting and would happily hear more about it!
  5. Madame Owl

    Life uh...finds a way.

  6. Madame Owl

    Help I need help please.

    Good luck on the hunt.
  7. Madame Owl

    Er... hello..

    Welcome! Love the fox!
  8. Madame Owl

    Salutations from Black Rook

    Love the name! I normally go by Bishop in the RP world, but sadly that name was taken. Welcome!
  9. Madame Owl

    Hagbard says Hi.

    Hello!!! Welcome!
  10. Madame Owl


    Hello there I'm new! I am looking forward to building a relationship with this community. I have been an active player for well over ten years now (actually longer but I don't want my age to show!) I started in AOL chats and moved to forums. I'm a mom, wife, and work full time. I also run my...
  11. Madame Owl

    Other Pagans & Mythology RPs-- How do you view them?

    I feel like I have found a whole new RP world out there when I see them. I feel that there are not enough of them!
  12. Madame Owl

    Video Games Games No One Remembers

    Battle Toads!
  13. Madame Owl


    I run a very active historical site (in Venice) but sadly I don't see a lot of them out there anymore. We should fix that!
  14. Madame Owl

    Experiences The big list of overdone RP cliches.

    I am personally the worst about having that typical ice queen.
  15. Madame Owl


    Hello and welcome! I'm new myself and looking forward to getting to know every one here!