Recent content by letswrite182

  1. letswrite182

    lol yes.. yes I did :P

    lol yes.. yes I did :P
  2. letswrite182

    I wanna write so bad :(

    I wanna write so bad :(
  3. letswrite182

    Multiple Settings My little long term partner search thread.

    Welcome to my search thread! ღ A little about me ღ Firstly Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my thread, I will have to apologize for it not being as pretty as some, I can not figure code to save my life! Not that have not spent the day trying mind you haha, it just melts my...
  4. letswrite182

    Good morning RPnation :D

    Oh sounds like fun, I will have a look at that for sure! Thank you :)
  5. letswrite182

    Good morning RPnation :D

    Hey there Brax and thank you! Wow I remember the AOL days haha and I have only really done 1x1. I have not roleplayed for a few years due to RL commitments so might be a bit rusty with a group one :/
  6. letswrite182

    Good morning RPnation :D

    Well hello there! My name is Layla and I stumbled upon this site after a desperate search for a decent RP community!. I have been roleplaying for urmmm over 20 years on and off and absolutely love it. Really looking forward to getting to know everyone here and hopefully finding some long term...