Recent content by Lemon_Lime

  1. Lemon_Lime

    Other Tell us about your pet peeves!

    eating noises, getting ridiculed for my accent despite my english being fine, people instantly assuming that i am a ""gopnik"" when I say I'm from eastern europe, gatekeepers lol
  2. Lemon_Lime

    Anime & Manga Your first EVER anime! ^^

    I haven't got a clue which one I watched first, but I know Inuyasha and Dragon Ball Z was always on tv, then others sorta piled on. So one of those two!
  3. Lemon_Lime

    Video Games What was the most disappointing game you ever played?

    i disagree, but agree as well. New Horizons was my first animal crossing game and after a while it just became really damn dull. I'd visit so many people's islands and that just contributed to a big burn out in regards of creativity as it's really hard to get a nice looking island. I spoke to a...
  4. Lemon_Lime

    Video Games What was the most disappointing game you ever played?

    My Time at Portia. I love casual games where you can take your time and relax. That's the reason why I can play Stardew Valley for ages, or even the Sims 3. So you can probably imagine how excited I was to find something similar to Stardew, except... Well, it really just sucked. Personally I...
  5. Lemon_Lime

    Video Games What are your favorite games?

    Postal 2, Sims 3, Sorcery! (1,2,3,4), Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Both DLCs are AMAZING), Animal Crossing New Horizons, Planet Coaster, Insiniquarium, Stardew Valley. These may be my fave games of all time tbh lol
  6. Lemon_Lime

    Video Games Your first video game?

    Daxter and Jack Island it was called something like that, or it was either the old crash games, *or* that one Shrek game on the PS2
  7. Lemon_Lime

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    I just really like citrus fruit. Lemons, limes, clementines, mandarins, pomelo all of em except grapefruits. Lemons and limes just make me really happy whenever i see them or squeeze them and make a lemon-lime-ade, or put lemon in my drinks and stuff. TLDR; Citrus is good
  8. Lemon_Lime

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I don't like the show Friends and just shows in general with the old laugh track spamming. And I also don't like the cheap copout of "it was aliens/a dream all along!' in stories, movies, books and whatever.
  9. Lemon_Lime

    Literature What are you reading at the moment?

    Well, at the moment I am *listening* to two audio books so I hope those two count as well! It's the first Witcher book and the first Dresden Files book. The books that I am actually trying to chew my way through are these Jo Nesbo Books; The Son, Kingdom and Macbeth. And then the first two...
  10. Lemon_Lime

    Introduce Yourself!

    what did the skeleton say to the chiropractor? idk but it must have been humerus. Yea anyway idk how to write introduction stuff lol