Recent content by lavander

  1. lavander

    Other Who wants to make friends on this website?

    i'd definitely love to make friends but i d o n o t k n o w h o w
  2. lavander

    Opinion What's the saddest movie you've ever seen?

    definitely the green mile
  3. lavander

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    to be honest, i don't. i am incredibly privileged to live in a place where being LGTBQ is so normalised, theres no need to treat it any differently then being straight/cis.
  4. lavander

    Opinion What is the saddest show you've ever watched? (This includes anime, but not cartoons, like Spongebob for example)

    okay, i'm not sure if this counts as you said no cartoons, but this is an adult cartoon. bojack horseman. so sad but such a compelling story.
  5. lavander

    Opinion What do you think of asexuality and aromantics?

    does anyone know how to tell if you're asexual, because i think that i might be.
  6. lavander

    Chitchat Just a random person in need of someone to talk with.

    hey there! i'd love to chat!
  7. lavander

    Chitchat How Are You Doing Today?

    today i am doing what im always doing, nothing. procrastinating. feeling bad.
  8. lavander

    Zodiac Memes to Make You Happy

    this did make me happy, thank you very much.
  9. lavander

    Madame Vrai's Tarot Readings -- all are welcome!

    Querent: this belongs to me, melodramtic-vampire, or mellow Query: i am having trouble writing a n y t h i n g. every time i sit down all i can think is no thought head empty. i was hoping for some sort of prompt? a name of a character, a situation to write in, anything to inspire me, please/...
  10. lavander

    TV & Film your fav childhood cartoon

    oo i'd probably have to say detentionaire and scooby doo, like the straight to dvd movies. loved those growing up.
  11. lavander

    Music favorite songs at the moment?

    i only have like one favourite song at the moment and its the sailor song by punch. its not even the type of music i usually listen to but its so good.
  12. lavander

    Other Random question of the day

    i have never won anything of significance in my life. however, once when i was a child i won a basket of chocolates at school in some sort of raffle
  13. lavander

    Chitchat Could really use someone to chat with

    hey there, so sorry to here you're having a rough day. i'm open to pm!
  14. lavander

    Introduce Yourself!

    hey! i am very new to this website and forum roleplaying and am trying to figure it out : )