Recent content by Kritikal

  1. Kritikal

    Futuristic U.A.C: The Forgotten Ones.

    (umm... bump, I guess?)
  2. Kritikal

    Futuristic U.A.C: The Forgotten Ones.

    @Kritikal, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  3. Kritikal

    Futuristic U.A.C: The Forgotten Ones.

    @Kritikal, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  4. Kritikal

    Futuristic U.A.C: The Forgotten Ones.

    @Kritikal, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  5. Kritikal

    Futuristic U.A.C: The Forgotten Ones.

    (Only seven players allowed - The first seven in responding to this thread). The heavy-sounding emergency alarm that has been on for God knows how long finally woke up the soldiers. It was the arrival alarm. Waking up was harder than usual. Their bodies felt stiff and a headcache started...
  6. Kritikal

    Other What's your go-to beverage?

    Dude no!
  7. Kritikal

    Other What's your go-to beverage?

    I love to have a good ol' huge cup of coffee. I'm a lover of energetic drinks too, Monster being my favorite since it's the "tastiest" one. And, no, I don't have anxiety attacks and my health is pretty well.
  8. Kritikal


    Ah damn, sorry, it was too obvious lol. Well, I love horror and fantasy the most, but i'm into most things too... BUT yeah, horror and fantasy are my "forté" c:
  9. Kritikal

    What makes a good roleplay?

    I want to hear what you people have to say. For you, dear reader, what makes a good roleplay? Is it the interactions, the plot, the characters? What do you think makes a roleplay good?
  10. Kritikal

    Advice for Horror

    I always like to write my histories with music that combines with them. Horror? Listen to the OST of a good horror game, for example. And, plot? Just try to be as original as possible, avoid as many clichés as you can. For example, have you tried writting something in outer space? With tiny...
  11. Kritikal

    Moral Discussion :acceptance into RPs

    I'll let they in, but if they start messing around then bye-bye. Only one opportunity
  12. Kritikal

    Roleplaying with pictures made in DooM 2.

    I know that sounds strange, but listen here; I was thinking in this little roleplay history I'm making, and I had this idea of mapping in the engine of DooM 2 (thanks to DooM Builder). Basically, I'll tell a bit of history, and then add a photo of the scenario which is a map in DooM Builder. I...
  13. Kritikal


    Mmh... genres? Sorry, I'm really new :c Definitely! Hope my terrible english isn't a turn-off tho, lol
  14. Kritikal


    Thank you two, I love this site already!
  15. Kritikal

    Everything that's wrong with your favorite videogame

    UNDERTALE. --- You cannot have a date with the fish. -- Pafriskus. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. - Aim at the ground = Headshots. - A professional with a P90 in their hands equals to hell itself. - AWP IS ONE SHOT KILL C'MON Team Fortress 2. --- If I wanted to watch porn...