Recent content by Kosmos

  1. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    Max turned towards Mason when he heard him speak. He wasn't quite sure if he would be able to get to sleep, too much on his mind. "L, if you get tired, come find me." He sighed softly. "You should at least get some sleep tonight." He was far too wired to sleep, but he was feeling drained. His...
  2. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    "Thanks." He mustered the best smile he could given his current predicament. While he appreciated her support, Max couldn't help but feel bad about dragging his friends into this. It was his problem, he didn't want to get them involved. Especially since he had no idea what he was going to do. If...
  3. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    I'm watching my nephews, so I'll post when I get home in a few hours! c:
  4. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    Hey, I spent a good portion of the day visiting my friend in the hospital, needless to say I'm pretty tired. I'm probably just gonna go to bed. Sorry :c
  5. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    Shhhh... No hate, just sleep.
  6. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    Max stared at her blankly for a moment, cocking his head slightly to the side. Did anything smell good to him right now? Well, it definitely had earlier. "Yes?" It came out as more of a question than a definite answer. This had to be one of, if not, the most confusing moment in his entire life...
  7. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    I dunno, both sound so lovely. Unfortunately I have to hit hay, gotta be up early tomorrow. Night!
  8. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    I will. After I spend another thirty minutes paralyzed from an irrational fear of a micro demon with wings. Honestly you could make a horror movie that was only flies for three hours and I would think it was the scariest thing ever.
  9. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    Max was about to respond when the batch of gummy bears decided to make a reappearance. He spun around, just barely making it to the trash bin. After emptying the contents of his stomach, Max slumped on the ground, shaking his head slightly. "I probably should have seen that coming." He sighed...
  10. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    I swear I just heard another fly. -__-' If I have to go on another fly hunt...
  11. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    I'm working on a post. I just had to take a break to murder a fly. It held on a lot longer than I thought it would.
  12. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    Hm, nope. I cannot keep my eyes open. I'm going sleep. Yeah, that sounds nice. Sleep.
  13. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    @Serpico I would normally play as a Toreador, but my favorite has to be the Malkavian. It's so much fun to be crazy! Oh, and if we are talking about elements now. Fire! All the way, baby!
  14. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    In geology, subduction is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate and sinks into the mantle as the plates converge. Hahaha, I forgot so I had to look it up. I've been laughing for a good two minutes now xD
  15. Kosmos

    Fantasy The Reckoning

    @Lithia Are you talking about that creepy haunted hotel? That place still scares me to this day! i actually made my friend play through that part for me xD