

I have enlisted in the United States Air Force, and will
be shipped off to basic training on March 22. I may have
already addressed this with you, but this message will
remain here just in case you forget. I will be radio silent
for a little under 2 months. Please be patient with me.

Greetings! You can refer to me as Koshka, which means "cat" in Russian.
It had a nice ring to it. :>

I'm 21 y/o residing in the US. My current timezone is MST, and my schedule is erratic.
Since my laptop is broken, I usually only get on here when I'm on my work computer. I do not have the luxury of having a set schedule of on/off days, so there's no way of telling when I will get online.

You may see me occasionally appear online for a moment at any given time of the day and read your messages, but if I am not replying to you, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm ignoring you. It probably means I'm on my phone, or just busy at work. It's easier to reply when I'm on a computer at work, than an iPad or iPhone at home. If you feel like I have left you hanging in any way possible, please address this with me and I will tell you what's going on.

I am a very casual RPer, in a couple of ways. I am capable of writing a couple of paragraphs, maybe more... but casual also means that RPing is a HOBBY. Please keep this in mind should you choose to plot with me. I have been writing since I was 10 years old, but have taken numerous breaks in between. I am a little rusty as of late, and really only have the energy for 1-2 partners at a time.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)
Apr 1, 2000 (Age: 24)
rank 1 gamer


