Recent content by KorelaFae

  1. KorelaFae

    Other Are you left-handed, right-handed, ambidextrous, or cross-hand dominant?

    cross-hand dominant, I didn't even know there was a name for that. I tend to write with my right hand, but do almost everything else with my left, at least when it involves sports and whatnot.
  2. KorelaFae

    Other Would you date yourself?

    um...yeah, definitely not. I'm all for self-love and whatnot, but there is no way I would be able to deal with another me. Nothing would ever get done!
  3. KorelaFae

    Other What's your Myers–Briggs personality type?

    INTJ. I mean...its not completely wrong ;P
  4. KorelaFae

    Other Favorite animal?

    I really like sugar gliders~ super cute and the pack bond!!
  5. KorelaFae

    Opinion Coffee or Tea

    Tea. A mix of growing up in the south and an Asian background, tea is usually the only drink in the house
  6. KorelaFae

    Anime & Manga Childhood anime?

    FMA, Fruits Basket, Naruto, and Bleach were the first ones I really got into. FMA is kinda the only one I still go back to tho
  7. KorelaFae


    I guess I should say hi. I've been lurking around on this site for a bit so it seems right to do so.
  8. KorelaFae

    Other What was the first band you ever listened to?

    Aside from Disney music as a kid??? I think first band I really got into was Tokio Hotel when I was maybe 14 or so
  9. KorelaFae

    Video Games Impossible Video game Ports

    At this point? ANY gamecube games on the Switch!! tho...I nEED pokemon colosseum on something more modern
  10. KorelaFae

    TV & Film what's your favourite ghibli film, and why?

    I really enjoy Howl's Moving Castle, but I think that's cuz of the book. It's just sooo good that I can't help but to love the movie too.
  11. KorelaFae

    Other Do you get anxious when people look over your shoulder?

    I used to but I started to pull up smutty things when I was in high school when strangers looked over my shoulder and the looks on their faces made all forms on anxiety go away :)