Recent content by Kitty211

  1. Kitty211

    Multiple Settings Hello! 1x1search!

    Hello, I am just now getting back into the RP mode, have not been active in RPs since 2013 so I can't promise I will be the best however, I would be interested in doing one of three plots if you are still looking - Forbidden Love - Best Friends -Fueding Families If you are still...
  2. Kitty211


    Hi all , I have been on this site before and am just now getting back into RP. I was really big into it in high school but then i stopped. I have not done a RP since June 2013 so I am not sure if i am any good at it anymore, however would love if someone would be kind enough to get into a RP...
  3. Kitty211

    New to this site

    Hello, I am new to this site. I used to role play all of the time but unfortunately life was keeping me from role-playing as much so I quit for a while but now im back and read to find a good partner.