Recent content by Kira Sunfeather

  1. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy School For the Supernatural

    Kate fumbled with her with she shedule as she arrived, trying to find the right way to her class. She kept messing wit the hood of her black hoodie fighting the urge to pull it up around her, when she finally found the class she entered and announced to anyone listening. "Hello! my name is Kate...
  2. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy School For the Supernatural

    Kate strolled down the sidewalk, clutching her bag in her hands, she was slightly nervous but also excited to be at this school. As she entered the campus area she saw others just getting here, she was relieved she wasn't the first one here today.
  3. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy Mystic Valley Academy

    Katie pulled out her shedule and glanced at her first class. "Uh, I think this is math." her heart sank. She hated math.
  4. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Emily stood towards the back, Rex beside her, both their eyes taking in every detail. She had listened to Alex give his speech about why they were here. It made her anxious. She glanced down at Rex, he was nervous she could tell, a lot of the animals here were bigger then him and she knew he...
  5. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Emily was going to loose it if the elderly lady at her part-time barista/waitress job told her to remake her coffee again. She stirred the coffee vigorously, thinking dark, dark thoughts. It had 1 pump of vanilla syrup, 2 splashes of cream, 3 and a half packets of sugar and 1 ice cube to cool...
  6. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    Mkay sounds good.
  7. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    Katey nodded, though she didn't understand all too well. "Well it sounds like you'll need someone to show you ropes of school and such, so if you have any questions or anything, I'd be happy to help you out!"
  8. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy Spirit Animals 2.0

    I'm here! (OUO)
  9. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    Katey's eyebrows shot up, glancing around she wondered if anyone else had heard Liv had said. "N-no one else?" she blinked. "Why haven't you met anyone else before?" she was curious, and a little concerned for her.
  10. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    She followed close behind Jean. "Um, " she paused and dug through her messenger bag on her hip, producing a tiny paper she nodded. "Yeah I think we have same classes!" she looked up when she saw a voice say Hello, she smiled warmly at the girl and said "Heya, I'm Katey." she was surprised how...
  11. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    "I'm Katey, pleased to meet you all." she followed along taking in the view of the school and wondering how her life would be here.
  12. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    Katey's nervous smile got wider, "Thank you," She said to the girl with the glasses. Katey looked down and straighten her messenger bag on her shoulder and remembered class yet again. "Oh no, we aren't late are we?" she looked from face to face anxiously.
  13. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    Katey's Cheeks turned red as soon as she saw others caught her clumsy moment. when she blinked she saw a boy standing before her, which caused her to blink rapidly, she smiled nervously and replied "I'm okay thanks for asking."
  14. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    Katey had closed her eyes ready to hit the ground with full force but it never happened, Instead she found herself be caught by someone. Her eyes burst open and looked up to her savior. "Oh My Gosh! I'm so sorry! I almost hit you!" She said, getting back on her feet. "I'm alright I was just...
  15. Kira Sunfeather

    Fantasy elemental high

    Katey was late. Very late. Or so she thought. She ran down the sidewalk at a sprint. Her blue and purple hair was in a pony tail and her clothes were thrown on carelessly.Can't be late! Oh No! She didn't even see him, just caught a glimpse of messy bed hair, before she tripped falling forward...