Recent content by Killorkiller

  1. Killorkiller

    C.C. - Out of Character Chat

    i am still here, its been awhile but im ALIVE!!!
  2. Killorkiller

    C.C. - Out of Character Chat

    Hey everyone, i am still alive i have just been out of my home country with no internet. I am not back yet however, i just felt bad and i wanted to let yall know
  3. Killorkiller

    C.C. - Out of Character Chat

    @tammynorthland so does your post mean that Degan is teamed up with Grey?
  4. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan caught the sealant tape tossed to him by Alerius, giving a nod of thanks in response. It was not like a yellow zone could really do a whole lot to him with were the tear in his suit was, however it was a good idea to take of the issue. After a minute, Degan a sealed the tear in his suit...
  5. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan was never very skilled when it came to the hand to hand combat, or anything that did not involve the use of guns. Luckily he was able to scrape by the fight with the Sixsheers by only sustaining a slash to his left arm, which proved to be only a minor annoyance. Watching the last of the...
  6. Killorkiller

    C.C. - Out of Character Chat

    Tbh life got caught up with me and prevented me from i am very lost as to were to have Degan for a post. 0_0
  7. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    When Degan saw the Sixsheers his first instinct was to pullout his smg's, some thing he quickly rectified upon hearing the order to not use guns. Grimacing as he pulled out his combat knife, Degan could only hope that he did not lose any more of himself in this fight. As the Sixsheers...
  8. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan hatted orders, he really did, but for some reason he did not mind being told what to do when Jazz was telling him. "Sure thing" Degan said moving out on to the flanks of the formation, it was not his ideal placement, but then again he would rather be going on missions all alone as was his...
  9. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    As the foliage got more and more dense Degan began to like it less and less it made it hard to move, and it also made him feel slightly claustrophobic. When Connor said he had fed a shark wolf Degan could scarcely believe it, "Wait, you actually fed a shark wolf cub, and they pack did not kill...
  10. Killorkiller

    C.C. - Out of Character Chat

    I will be posting soon. Sorry for lack of posts, finals are rough
  11. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan only half listened to the briefing, instead choosing to focus his attention on a rather sexy looking lieutenant that was present. She was standing off to the left of the main stage, it was not like Degan was going to do anything about it, but there was no harm in just looking. Besides he...
  12. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan grabbed his few things and followed Bade to their room. The click of combat boots on metal floors, and the commotion of the other people was starting to give Degan a bit of head ache. Ever since his accidents he had never been the same when it came to processing sights or sounds, they...
  13. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan was very impressed by all the work the Canines had been doing. He had even wanted to a Canine for sometime, but that was before he had his accidents. Now he was something much more than any other soldier, with his "special" additions. "Glad to see you Bade." Degan said with a smile as...
  14. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan had a hell of a time with the Canines. They kept poking and prodding him to find out what was up with his prosthetic forcing him to shoo them away like a pack of scavengers. Making quick moves, Degan was able to make his escape by heading into the mech bay. It was a sight to behold for...
  15. Killorkiller

    Crimson Canines (10x)

    Degan decided that it was time to go once talk of a bomb came up. Grabbing a fallen rock that had rained down when the coils were shot, Degan jumped out cover and threw the rock in the opposite direction. In all honesty it would not do very much, he hoped it would distract the robots so he...