Recent content by Kiclack

  1. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    As the blinding light flashed against his eyes he immediately shut them. "Ahh"he winced as his head canted to the side, caused by the slap. Kal slowly looked around and realized that it was a heavily guarded place, nowhere to run, so he wouldn't bother to. "I won't run." he replied, voice became...
  2. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    Kal vomited through the bag, and he squirmed. He never felt this bad in his entire life. "I'm sorry..." he begged, "I'm so sorry..." he shook his head, trying to regain some composure, "I tried to steal from Amari because I wanted to go....big."
  3. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    His heart sank. Kal never knew the outcomes of the things he has done. "I...I never knew." he winced as he tried to steel himself for another punch in the gut. "I...I'm sorry." the pain of knowing he had become a terrorist had a far greater impact than the punch that had connected. "I just did...
  4. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    "Delightful." he rudely replied. He knew he as up against higher power, but his immaturity begged him to talk trash out of complete frustration. He didn't bother to squirm or go against the things chaining him. "Just kill me already. I got nothing left anyways." he bit his lip, "Asshole."
  5. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    Kal kept quiet throughout the entire thing, sure he was skilled at a lot of things, but fighting and physically fending for himself was not his strong suit. Kal was worried, where was he gonna go from there? He couldn't possibly go back to his family, not after what he's done. The bumps and...
  6. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    Kal's mind was blank, his face was devastated as he watched everything he loved and cared about, be stripped away from him. As soon as the scripts ran through his monitors, his heart broke. Frustrated and lost, Kal sat on his chair completely ruined. "No.." he whispered to himself. "NO, NO NO NO...
  7. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    "I've earned the money because I worked hard on it." he replied. His hands were itching to fight back cyber-wise. Kal wasn't the type of person to just let this one off the hook. In his mind he's been calculating algorithms to counter-act the effects of their own virus. You've won this round...
  8. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    The voice creeped the living hell out of Kal, he shook his head and steeled himself to answer, but a wave of thought rushed through him. Why? "Hacking...and stealing through technology, makes me feel alive." were the words that escaped his lips. "Who the fuck are you anyway? And what in the...
  9. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    "The Black Sun..." his face worried and disturbed. "Great." he arched his beck and grabbed his cellular phone, to try and see if he could access his computer from there. No luck. He looked at the options he had, "Yeah that doesn't really give me much to choose from..." he whispered, "Black Sun...
  10. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    By the time Kal realized that his own money had been stripped from him, he was already too late. "Mother fu-" his screen faded to black, giving him options. Only his mouse was movable. "What the hell is this?" his mind was swimming in frustration, outplayed and bankrupted within an hour. He...
  11. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    Kal didn't know anything about the wormhole, not even with his superior knowledge of the technology in front of him, the virus somehow escaped him. Kal felt victorious, he wanted more. "Hmm, what's this..." he cocked an eyebrow and pressed his nose against the computer screen. All the funds that...
  12. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    (I'd like to see what happens next! )
  13. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    (Sorry! :( I was hoping that you'd go with something like, the account that he hacked into was a smurf account, or something like that. But yeah sure, I can scratch that if you'd like :) )
  14. Kiclack

    Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

    "Dammit." he cursed, before standing up. "I guess we have to do this the old fashioned way." he cracked his knuckles and his neck. "Mr. Amari, say goodbye to the savings in your bank account." he chuckled a bit. Kal wasn't evil, nor was he a bad person, hacking was just something that made him...
  15. Kiclack

    Fantasy The Family Of Secrets

    Kal got down from the bus, "I asked to get dropped off in a nice place." he sighed before walking up to the mansion, "Not a creepy haunted house." he paused a bit before he started knocking on the door. Unsure of what to even say when the door would swing open, Kal began to back away for a few...