Recent content by Kalster

  1. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Allister set his things in the backseat of his car. Leon looked pretty comfortable with his shit up front, so he didn't exactly bother offering. "Mexico huh? I don't know about that, that's a lot of gas money. Why not say, Canada?" Allister smiles. He can tell that Leon is nervous for some...
  2. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Allister could feel his heart pounding in his ears, but it's not because he was holding hands (leading, not holding) with Leon it was clearly a second rush from after his workout. Utter bullshit. Allister laughed. "I know, quite the piece of work." He stopped in front of a tan Lexus, which...
  3. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Allister can't help but smirk and snort at Leon's comment. Even himself, and he doesn't always pride himself as the best example, wouldn't get it on with somebody he only started dating within the first week. Especially not if the other didn't want to. Made him seem quite creepy and desperate...
  4. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    "Yo, Allister, are you staying after school today to lift weights?" Eric leaned against the weight rack, a dangerous idea in Allister's opinion. The dark haired boy shook his head. "Nah, not today." He did another lunge with weights, face turning red from the work out. "Coach might get...
  5. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Allister nodded and pocketed the pencil. "My class is in the portables, so yeah, after school?" He smiles. He would've offered at lunch, but his ass would get chewed out for ditching his buddies for Leon. But then again, Leon seemed like better company. After all, Allister could watch him...
  6. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Allister tried his best to listen. He got a different answer, but he thinks he knows how to do it now. He was a little distracted by Leon touching his hair. He had a sudden urge for Leon to run his hands through his hair, but there wasn't time for that nonsense. "Oh, thanks." Allister patted...
  7. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Sunshine? Jesus, tell him that was not a play on his last name. "Good to know, ding dong." Allister flicks Leon's forehead absently, taking the paper and pocketing it for later use. Oh boy. Math. Great. He half groaned, looking at his paper. He ran his hand through his hair again, causing a...
  8. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Allister didn't back away, but his ears were still red. Knowing from experience, it took quite a bit for his face to flush visibly, even when he worked out. "Ray. Allister Ray." He informed Leon with a pleased smile, both of his arms resting on the desk. "I don't usually let it go on this...
  9. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    "Oh, wait, I thought you meant where you wanted to work on this worksheet." Allister laughs. "I drive home, so if you want we can study at my house or something and I can always drop you off at your house or the school?" He suggests. Stupid of him, he should've realized what Leon had been...
  10. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    "Uhm, here is fine? If that's okay with you?" Allister offers, leaning slightly closer to Leon to see his paper. He pulls away when Leon jolts to number five, looking up to see Leon's face. It looks like somebody heavily applied blush to his cheeks, and it made the tips of his ears start to...
  11. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    "Uhm, yeah, actually, that would be great." Allister smiles shyly. Math just wasn't his fortè. He couldn't help staring for a little bit at Leon's face, because the lack of glasses made him look younger, or maybe less sophisticated? He had a sudden view of Leon laying down, face red and hair...
  12. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    "Al..? I don't think so." Allister attempts a chuckle. He always preferred his name to be Allister, or called by his last name. Certainly not Al, because well, he used to be a chubby child and his older brother's friends like to tease and call him Fat Al. He lets the nickname slide mostly...
  13. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    ((Yeah we should. There could be a big math test coming up and they could study together?)) "Leon." Allister repeated out of habit. It had a nice ring to it, almost reminded him of lions, which, so far, Leon didn't quite seem the ferocious lion type. He opened his mouth to say something...
  14. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    When the boy turned around, Allister was not expecting glasses. After all, he hadn't been wearing them before. Glasses certainly weren't a bad thing, but damn, did they make his eyes seem larger. He was a little surprised, but not as much when a shit ton of pencils and a pen were shoved at him...
  15. Kalster

    Hella Gay 1x1 Private

    Allister sat down and started to make himself comfortable, kicking his backup underneath his table and pulling out his text book and the likes. It's not till the classroom fills up with a few more people that he looks up and notices that, today, the blonde haired boy was sitting in front of him...