Recent content by Jupis

  1. Jupis

    Experiences What did you first start to rp?

    I'm sorry but this had me in stitches because it hit so close to home. Just insert Neopets and I would think you're talking about me.
  2. Jupis

    Fandom [One on One] Searching For A Fandom Partner

    Yessss. I need it so much in my life. I'll PM you.
  3. Jupis


    Thank you!
  4. Jupis

    Fandom [One on One] Searching For A Fandom Partner

    So much yes! I will PM you.
  5. Jupis

    Fandom Looking for an rp Partner. Can do multiple fandoms

    Can I get in on this Stony action? I prefer to play Tony, but I also wouldn't mind practicing my Steve!
  6. Jupis


    Years of practice and absolute desperation! My keyboard leaves something to be desired for sure.
  7. Jupis

    Fandom [One on One] Searching For A Fandom Partner

    My name is Jupis. I'm definitely a quality over quantity person. If your post is well thought out and keeps the story moving along, then I don't really mind how long or short is. Sometimes things need a lot of description and sometimes they just don't. Sometimes ten paragraphs are necessary...
  8. Jupis


    Hi, I'm Jupis! I'm new here. I've role played for several years, but I recently decided I wanted to find some new partners. I mostly enjoy fandoms, tragedies, and a nice cup of tea. I pretty much only post from my phone so all of my posts will undoubtedly be ugly as sin, so please forgive...