
an artist and returning roleplayer. i have not roleplayed in a few years and am looking to get back into it!

i started my roleplaying days relatively young on... wattpad (and amino towards the tail-end). as you can imagine i grew away from those sites after a few years, but that also caused me to grow away from roleplaying itself. even writing for myself tapered off. in recent years and newfound freedom, i decided to make some steps back into the roleplay-sphere! i had started writing on and off for myself again, mostly poetry or prose, and had found myself missing my old roleplaying days. i'm not very familiar with forums or sites like these, but i'm excited to learn. i am an artist and though i mostly draw fanart these days i also loved to draw OCs and scenes from roleplays i enjoyed, which i'm hoping to start up once again! i also like reading, mostly queer romance, which carries over to my roleplay preferences perhaps unsurprisingly. i love worlds that are either fantasy, modern, or some fascinating combination of both. i also love magic, and humanoid creatures like werewolves, mermaids, and fairies.
Sep 26, 2005 (Age: 18)
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



