Recent content by IrishFire

  1. IrishFire

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Dai's eyes scanned the room as she listened to her new master give out instructions to the rest of the crew, cross referencing each individual within her database in an effort to put names to faces. A few turned up with limited results, but the crew's identities seemed to mostly under wraps. It...
  2. IrishFire

    Futuristic Sci-fi/Fantasy Fighter Squadron RP! (REBOOT)

    Is this open to new people? :O
  3. IrishFire

    Futuristic Tales of The Research Station Adventure // OOC

    Thank you so much!! ^^
  4. IrishFire

    Futuristic Tales of The Research Station Adventure // OOC

    Is this open to new people? I apologize if I'm asking in the wrong place.
  5. IrishFire

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    Name: Freiya Müller Age:28 Gender:Female Appearence:She is 5'6 with long blonde hair that she usually keeps in a braid. Her eyes are a grey-blue, the color of a stormy sea. She wears the typical tactical gear (body armor, gloves, combat boots) but tends to stick with the lighter side of...
  6. IrishFire

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    Yay :) ill get working on my character thing then. Dont worry, ive been rping for awhile. Just not in this medium.. so please be patient with me
  7. IrishFire

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    Are you guys still accepting people? Or is this dead?