Recent content by inquisition

  1. inquisition

    I'm like a crazy cat person--but instead of cats, I have a lot of paragraphs.

    Dissonant Melody, Nerdygeekflower,
  2. inquisition

    I'm like a crazy cat person--but instead of cats, I have a lot of paragraphs.

    Yoshi, Oh my god. *Dies* I…. I was beyond horrible. Was I… really that bad? Oh my god. *Reincarnates* *Dies again* Anyway, I wouldn’t mind doing a shorter RP with you. More 2-3 paragraph responses. I can’t really claim to be that great a mentor, or anything, but it helps to...
  3. inquisition

    I'm like a crazy cat person--but instead of cats, I have a lot of paragraphs.

    **I'm editing this to be my Grand Master Database. If you have been referred to this, or perhaps even stumbled across it, read only the parts you need. If you want to RP with me, I recommend reading the What to Expect From Me portion and at least part of my post example.*** Like, no kidding...
  4. inquisition

    I hereby challenge thee to a roleplay.

    Thanks. I literally just finished the plot concept and have yet to type out a character. I subconsciously changed from third person to second person... but I suppose that just makes it clear that your character is the female scientist (age 20-38). Feel free to be as creative as you like. My...
  5. inquisition

    I hereby challenge thee to a roleplay.

    Yeah, the accents are a pain... but in French, the pronunciation is a pain. That's why I know the basics of 4 languages, but I'm only fluent in one. Ah, life. Alright, well, this is the mission statement of my latest idea: A dark tale questioning the very meaning of humanity—and how far...
  6. inquisition

    I hereby challenge thee to a roleplay.

    Someone actually PMed me about this one, but I can always use another partner. I have a few other plots I'm working on if you're interested. And wow. You seem to be much better than me trying to write in Spanish, and English is a lot harder to learn, so consider me impressed.
  7. inquisition

    I hereby challenge thee to a roleplay.

    I apologize if I'm unclear or simply all over the place. I have a tendency to jump into things when I only have them half figured out. ***After typing everything below, I've come to the conclusion that I should say the following: I'm looking for someone to play a female role, aged somewhere...